Tuesday, December 6, 2011

If I Could Fly (Example blog post)

When I was in fifth grade, it was my dream to fly. I would lie on my back for hours, picturing myself soaring like a hawk above the ground, looking down on the world from a new perspective. Even the dream made my heart race, but I don’t know what inspired it. I knew it was something I had to do: I had to learn how to fly. By the time I was in seventh grade, I had made a promise to myself: I would learn how to fly.

I called the local airport and found out that there are specific rules about how to learn to fly, but anybody can learn! Although there is a minimum age to get your pilot’s license, you can fly with an instructor at any age.

The first obstacle to getting my pilot’s license was money, so I started saving up money and as soon as I was old enough I got a job. I put as much money as possible into my dream. Once I started working towards my pilot’s license, I realized that this would be a lot of work: I had to learn physics, meteorology, navigation, and of course, I had to learn to fly a plane!

By the time I graduated from high school I had my pilot’s license. I thought that I would go on to study physics in college and become a professional pilot, but eventually I changed my mind. I still dream about flying, but I haven’t gone flying for several years. Maybe I will again soon. I miss it.